Thank you for expressing interest in volunteering for the Swiftsure International Yacht Race which takes place May 24-25, 2024. Swiftsure volunteers greatly contribute to the success of the race and you’ll find volunteering is a great way to be a part of an historic Victoria maritime event while meeting others involved in the race.

There are several opportunities for young people to volunteer and their participation is always welcome.

If you volunteered for Swiftsure in 2024, your team lead will be in touch with you to determine whether you'll be available to volunteer again in 2025. If you haven’t heard from them by early April please give your lead a call or complete this form.

If it's been a while since you volunteered, or are new to Swiftsure, please complete this form and be included in the list of prospective volunteers.

We will be in touch in early April to confirm volunteers’ assignments to the role(s) requested. Though we will try, we may not be able to place you in your requested role, depending upon numbers of returning volunteers. Please also note that if certifications such as a Radio Operators Licence or Foodsafe are required for a role, your team lead may wish to confirm that you hold a current certificate.

As all volunteers require a basic knowledge of the Swiftsure event as well as their role(s), team leads will arrange orientation sessions prior to Swiftsure; your participation will be required. Dates will be posted on the Swiftsure website and registered volunteers will be notified by their team leads. As well, there's the 2024 Volunteer Handbook which all Swiftsure volunteers should read.

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