Each spring for many years, the team at Shaw TV South Vancouver Island have created a video promoting Swiftsure to locals. This year they include a new perspective – Swiftsure Volunteers; it takes over 200 volunteers to put on Swiftsure, the largest international yacht race on North America’s West Coast.

Swiftsure is excited to share the  Shaw TV SVI’s Swiftsure 2018 YouTube video. If this intrigues you, come join the thrill of Swiftsure. Go to Swiftsure’s Volunteer Contact web page and sign up to be a part of history.










Key production arrangments were lead by Daphne Goode and Orlando Carillo of Shaw TV SVI, shown here setting up Event Chair Vern Burkhardt and Finish Line Lead Dave Trace for their closeup in the Main Lounge of Swiftsure’s host, the Royal Victoria Yacht Club. Thank you to Shaw TV SVI for again creating a polished video showcasing Victoria in her glory during Swiftsure. Thank you Daphne – you were awarded the Humphrey Golby/James McVie trophy in 2012 for your over 25 years of outstanding contribution in building connectivity and communication for Swiftsure, and here we are 6 years later and you’re still among the strongest of Swiftsure’s race promoters. 

The Shaw TV SVI video about Swiftsure will also air on the Access Point programming through May 5th. Here’s the Access Point schedule:

Shaw TV South Vancouver Island’s Access Point Program through May 5, 2018
AM Monday PM
6:30 Tuesday 1:00
8:00 Wednesday 9:00
9:00 Thursday 12:30
12:01 Friday
10:30 Saturday 12:30