Swiftsure’s 2023 Tidal Currents
Swiftsure racers should check this out and get ahead of the fleet by knowing what’s coming for tidal currents during the race weekend.
Since 2014, Dr. Richard Dewey, of Ocean Networks Canada with the University of Victoria, has graciously provided insights to Swiftsure racers about the tidal currents during the race weekend. And he’s done it again for 2023. Richard has an enduring interest in coastal flows, mixing, turbulence, waves, and tides. He has conducted research throughout the Pacific from Japan to California, and along the B.C., Alaskan, and Arctic coasts. He has used a variety of profilers and ROVs, and deployed more than 150 moorings on over 100 oceanographic expeditions. Richard is the author of the Mooring Design and Dynamics MATLAB package, and specializes in time series analysis.
Dr. Mike Foreman will brief skippers at the Swiftsure Skipper’s Meeting on Friday, May 26th at the Strathcona Hotel in their new Wicket Hall.