Swiftsure Droning the Race Starts & Clover Point Events
Pacific Yachting Magazine’s May edition has a super article in the Currents section, written by Marianne Scott about Swiftsure having a drone to record the race start and events ashore at Clover Point.
From 8 AM on Saturday, May 28, spectators can hear the live commentary of Swiftsure starts from two experienced racers, host Royal Victoria Yacht Club members Heather Seaman and Ralph Lapp. Take in a pancake breakfast, observe Songhees and Esquimalt Elders conducting a Blessing of the Fleet (Swiftsure starts & ends on traditional Lekwungen territory) and, after the 5 race starts are complete, watch the Royal Canadian Air Force conduct an over-and-on-the-water Search And Rescue Demonstration from a 442 Squadron Cormorant helicopter.