Epic 2015 Race? Yup.
Ladies and Gents
Swiftsure 2015 had the best elements of a near-perfect race! Good winds, smooth waters, incredible competitors from far and wide, the largest complement of racers in years.
First across the finish line was Dragonfly in 9 hours and 9 minutes.
Rage, Steve Rander’s Wylie 70, was first to finish the Swiftsure Lightship Classic in elapsed time – the long course for which the race week is named. Kudos to Steve and his intrepid crew, some of whom had not raced before – quite a testament to a wylie racer.
The Swiftsure Lightship Classic winner on corrected handicap time, for the SECOND year in a row, Peter Salusbury’s Longboard, a Riptide 35-2, wins Swiftsure Overall – the most highly competed race in Swiftsure. Longboard won Swiftsure’s first ever battle flag for 2014 and again for 2015. You know it’s not about the money but the bragging rights.
In Hein Bank Race PHRF, with 3 yachts competing, Valkyrie won.
In Hein Bank Race IRC, with 6 yachts competing, Glory won.
In Cape Flattery Multihulls, thanks to John Green’s tireless efforts, Swiftsure saw the largest fleet of multihulls compete for 2015, Bad Kitty won.
In Cape Flattery Race, perennially the largest race fleet, Terremoto – another Riptide 35 – won.
In Juan de Fuca Race, Cantina won.
Check out the complete Preliminary Long Course Results.
The Inshore Race was fast, with most competitors finished by 3 PM. Check the Inshore Results out.
The big changes for Swiftsure 2015 seem to have been well received – a brand new race course – Hein Bank Race – and a brand new venue for Swiftsure Centre in the Steamship Terminal, many thanks to sponsors Steamship Grill & Bar and the Greater Victoria Harbour Authority.
Please post your photos, videos, memories and comments on Facebook at SwiftsureYachtRace and on Twitter at SwiftsureRace.