HMCS Oriole registered on May 4th to race Swiftsure.  Her Captain, Lieutenant Commander Jeff Kibble, has a message to share.

“HMCS ORIOLE to Race in Swiftsure 2014

HMCS ORIOLE, the Royal Canadian Navy’s 102 foot long sail training ketch, has officially entered the 2014 Swiftsure International Yacht Race.

“It will be especially exciting as ORIOLE will be racing against the classic schooner Martha”, says ORIOLE’s Captain, Lieutenant-Commander Jeff Kibble. “It is always great to see two large classic ships sailing together but better yet – we will be racing head to head!”

This will be a record setting 57th entry for ORIOLE in the Swiftsure Lightship Classic Race. No other ship has entered the Switsure Race as many times as ORIOLE. Along with ORIOLE’s core crew, members of 39 Brigade will be on board ORIOLE for the race as well as several days of training before the race. The RCN will also support Swiftsure with an Orca Patrol Boat and a Martime Coastal Defence Vessel that will act as start line and mark boats.

You can follow ORIOLE and the Royal Canadian Navy on the Maritime Forces Pacific Facebook page.
